Teagan Gahler Gets Real About the Gaps in Women's Healthcare with Ryan Jesperson

On Jan. 25th, 2022, Vice President of the AWHF Teagan Gahler appeared on Ryan Jespersen's Real Talk to discuss the AWHF's Finding the Fractures report, the negative impact the pandemic has had on women, and the gaps in women's healthcare that desperately need attention. Teagan was joined by an amazing panel of women including Dr. Jane Schulz, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Alberta, and Suzanne Pescod, Director of Marketing and Communications at Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Ryan Jesperson asked thoughtful questions and encouraged meaningful discussion. You can watch the episode below, with the segment about Finding the Fractures starting around the 42:10 mark. 

A big thanks to Ryan Jesperson for featuring this stellar panel on his show, and to Teagan Gahler, Suzanne Pescod and Dr. Jane Schulz for the informative conversation!