AWHF-Supported Researcher Receives Prestigious Government Award

As partners of WCHRI, we are proud to share that a WCHRI researcher has won a prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship to carry out their research, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Amanda de Oliveira, a researcher in the University of Alberta Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, will focus on how pre-eclampsia in pregnant women increases their risk of cardiovascular complications, such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes later in life.

“I am an immigrant to Canada, so for me it was very important to receive the support from WCHRI,” says de Oliveira, who did her undergraduate studies in Brazil and her PhD at the Florida Institute of Technology. “I am honoured to have my work recognized, at the local level by WCHRI and now at the national level.”

Please join us in congratulating Amanda in her well-deserved recognition and thanking her for her continued work to improve the health of women and our communities! 

You can read more about her research and explore the full story by clicking here.