Dr. Bukola Salami Wins Inaugural Diversity and Equity in Research Award

The Alberta Women’s Health Foundation’s continued support for women’s health research projects that place a targeted focus on improving healthcare for all women across Alberta and beyond is being reflected in the efforts and achievements of the researchers they help support.
In November of 2023, one such researcher, Dr. Bukola Salami, was honoured with the first ever Diversity and Equity in Research Award from The Health Research Foundation of Innovative Medicines Canada. Dr. Salami, already recognized internationally for her work in shaping policies and practices around migrant health and for her leadership in nursing, was proud to add this achievement to her ongoing list of accomplishments.
The award was created to recognize excellence in research by outstanding individuals whose work advances equitable participation in health research and access to health care in Canada. Ultimately improving the well-being of all residents and particularly those facing inequities. With these standards, it should come as no surprise that Dr. Salami was The Health Research Foundation’s choice to be its first ever recipient.
“Receiving this award in recognition of the research I have been doing on the health and well-being of immigrant, racialized and Black populations is truly an honour,” said Dr. Salami. “I have worked to improve the lives of Black individuals in Canada and through the results of my research created the first fully interdisciplinary university-based mentorship for Black youth in this country. This award is shared with everyone working for health equity in Canada.”
A former Professor at the Faculty of Nursing for the University of Alberta, and Director of the Intersections of Gender Signature Area in the Office of Vice President Research and Innovation, and current Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, Dr. Salami has been a leader in the study of mental health challenges of Black immigrant children and youth from Africa. She strives to alleviate systemic challenges for a new generation of Black children, knowing the struggles they face first-hand, having immigrated to Canada from Nigeria at the age of sixteen.
Starting with her time at the University of Alberta in 2014 as an Assistant professor, Dr. Salami has continued to work tirelessly towards her cause. She has produced roughly one hundred published scholarly articles and has been involved in over eighty-five research projects. The topics of these projects have included African immigrant child health, immigrant mental health, and access to healthcare for immigrant children. On top of this, she represented the University of Alberta on the steering committee of the Worldwide Universities Network Global Africa Group and co-led the establishment of the Institute for Intersectionality at the University of Alberta.
As an affiliate member of the Women and Children's Health Research Institute, Dr. Salami's continued efforts to advance healthcare for marginalized individuals is one example of what can be accomplished with relentless determination and the right resources. This feat reflects the value that continued contributions from the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation provide and what is made possible through the ongoing support of our donor community.
To support the work of over 160 researchers like Dr. Salami focusing on a brighter future for women from across Alberta and beyond consider making your own contribution today!